Saturday, June 28, 2008

Slight Delay?

My Dr. was planning on inducing Monday, June 30th, but when I went in yesterday for my last appointment and she tried to schedule it with the hospital, we found that there were no beds available to be booked on Monday! So, now the plan is to include Joel in the 5% of babies actually born on their due date, and induce on July 2nd (if he doesn't decide to come on his own before then). I am now just over 3 cm dialated, but not quite 4 cm, and still 50% effaced.
I'm trying to look at the bright side of a later induction (Joel's birthstone will be a more masculine ruby, rather than the slightly confusing pearl), while keeping up hope that he may come on his own earlier (walking on a slow treadmill for 10 minutes or so, every few hours). So this is only a possible slight delay. He may still decide to suprise us and be a June baby!
Either way, I am kind of glad he's waited this long. It makes me more confident that he is fully developed, will have less or no troubles once he is born, and will be able to come home with me after the normal 48 hour hospital stay. As far as I know, Baby Joel and I are still both perfectly healthy, with only a slight increase in weight gain from my staying at home on the couch all day for a week ;), and we're definitely both ready at any time for him to come greet the world! Make sure to check back next week for your first glimpse at my precious new addition!!! (I hope he has hair!)


MaMa Vaughn said...

Hey...can't wait to see the little guy! Drink some of that tea stuff that causes like a quick delivery...j/k.=) Have you tried railroads, big bumps...etc.=)? Just teasing, everyone always said that to me. Praying for you!

The Bryants said...

I'm thinking of you and praying for you! I can't wait to hear all the details and see pictures of baby Joel! I'm so excited for you and I hope that everything goes smoothly with the labor and birth. Congratulations!!