Friday, June 13, 2008

Just Two More Weeks?

Hello to all! I went to the Dr. again today, and when she checked me, I was 2 centimeters dialated and almost 50% effaced. She doesn't think I'll make it until my due date! :) She said sometime in the next two weeks, but it could be any time now! (Forgive the over-use of exclamation points in this post, I'm pretty excited!!!)
Another reason for me to be excited... my last day at work is the 19th, Thursday of next week. On Friday, I'll begin my paid-vacation time, which will end when my maternity leave begins, when Baby Joel gets here! I can't wait. Well, I can wait for labor and all that, but I am looking at it from the point of view that, when labor starts, it can only last so long, ending with my getting to have my first baby!
Have I mentioned that I'm excited?
And yes, Josh and I are ready. Well, as ready as two "kids" can be. I think we've gotten the bedroom rearranged to use what space we have the most efficiently. We probably need more diapers, but then, won't we always? ;) We've been given enough wipes to supply an army (thanks to all who contributed, I know we'll use them too!). I've got the changing table set up and organized, the crib made, the bassinet ready, the clothes (and everything else I could fit in the washing machine) laundered and all I need is my mommy to come cook all my favorite foods for me and spoil me for the last time before I become a mommy! Oh, and I could also use an army to clean my house for me...buuut that's probably not going to happen either. Oh well, a girl can wish! ;)
We still covet your prayers. Keep checking the blog for updates, it's the easiest place to announce the birth, so we'll announce it here, and post pictures asap afterwards. Love you all! Have a great day!

1 comment:

Tom & Kandice Keegan said...

I'm so excited for you guys! I can't believe you're already dialated! That is definitely helpful. I'll be praying for a safe delivery.
