Tuesday, June 3, 2008

36 Weeks

I am 36 weeks today, and I can't believe I'm stil working! I can't believe I'm still able to work, really. I am doing better with the shorter hours and more breaks. (My Dr. told me to go sit down every two hours for about 10 minutes.) At this point, though, it's really hard to motivate myself to get up out of bed! :) Then again, it was always hard to do that!
I asked the Dr. about the size of the baby, and she said with me measuring right on target every week like I have, there's really no need to measure the baby more specifically. She did check me, I was one centimeter dialated and about 20% effaced (which, of course, means almost nothing. ;) She said it probably means I just won't go over my due date, but she doesn't think he'll come early either. I guess we'll see!
I covet your prayers, though. As with any pregnancy, my stamina and energy levels are not what they used to be. The weather outside is beautiful, but is keeping me warmer than what is comfortable; I'm just counting my blessings I don't have to be pregnant through August!
I'll keep you updated the best I can. Thanks for the prayers!

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