Wednesday, June 18, 2008

38 Weeks, and Still Here!

Just dropping a quick note to let everyone know it hasn't happened yet. I'm 38 weeks today, and I can't wait to have this baby! As was expected, and on some level appreciated, Baby Joel is only getting bigger, and making me that much more uncomfortable. I know I'll miss my clients during my maternity leave, but I'm SO GLAD Thursday is my last day. I don't think I could handle working another day after that, and honestly, not completely sure how I'll get through Thursday! :)
Keep me in your prayers, please. I know I'm not the first woman to go through all this, it's just the first time I'VE been here, you know? I'll keep you updated!


Lynnette said...

I'm so happy to hear all the new developments! I understand completely-it wasn't easy carrying Lillie being 36 and the 3rd child through all that heat! I wouldn't change a thing though. She's such a blessing! Take care and stay cool! I look forward to hearing about baby Joel being born and seeing all the cute pics! Love,Lynnette

Lynnette said...

Thrilled to hear all the good news! I understand it all completely. It wasn't that easy last year being 36 and having my 3rd. Lillie is such a joy and I wouldn't change a thing. I look forward to hearing about the birth of baby Joel and seeing his pics.

MaMa Vaughn said...

Hey can't wait to see pics...I check often to see if the little guy has made it yet.=)

Gages said...

If you like to read I would highly suggest going to the library and checking out some books. That is the only thing that kept me from completely losing my mind while I was waiting for Olivia to come. Praying for you.
The Gage's