Sunday, September 21, 2008

"You're Just A Good Baby!"

Joel likes to hear his Mommy brag on him!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

"Everything Changes When You Have A Baby."

Well, I'm settling into my new lifestyle as a stay-at-home wife and mother. I'm loving it, but it's so different! I wear make-up about twice a week, *hopefully* shower a couple more times than that, and never remember what day of the week it is! :) I'm getting into scheduling now, making list after list of what needs to be done, how often it needs to be done, and trying to set times to do it all, which, of course, is an exercise in futility with a 2 month old. But I'm trying! I'm also working on my math skills, trying to learn what every stay-at-home mom does, the Art of Pinching Pennies.
I had a great teacher (my mom, who worked at the church all my growing up years, and still she and my dad sent three kids to private school) so we should be fine. Talk about "unconscious preparation". I had no idea all those years I was learning how to be a good mom by watching my own mother! Of course, God knew, that being His plan. My mother will be the first to tell you she's not perfect, but I don't think I could have been given a better example to go by!
I want to thank everyone, as well, for all their support and encouragement. We prayed a lot about the decision for me to stay home with Joel, and we know this is what God wants me to do. Please keep us in your prayers, that our faith will grow, that we will be good stewards of what God gives us to work with, and that we'll raise Joel for God's glory. We've never been given a greater task, and I feel the weight of it as he grows bigger every day, and is increasingly watching my every word and deed.
Also pray for us, as Josh and I are trying to live a healthier lifestyle. As they always do, unhealthy habits have creeped up on us, and made a big impact. We're really working hard at this, we want to be entrenched in healthy habits before we try to go on deputation. I don't think anything can make you want to change for the better more than having a baby. We want to be healthy for him, so we can keep up with him and care for him as well as possible.
Well, speaking of 'him', I think I hear him, so I'd better get off here. See you all soon! God bless you! ~Jenn

Joel Video

Our little Joel is so cute! In this video, he "talks" to Mommy and Daddy, as well as smiles and laughs. I know it's a little long, but if you watch the whole thing, you won't be sorry! He's just the cutest baby ever!!!

P.S. All the links on the bottom of the video that say "Joel" are not OUR Joel. Just thought I'd let you know. :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Joel Is Learning to Smile and Laugh!

Joel's been smiling more and more. He's just started to laugh. It's so hard to get him to do it for the camera. Hopefully, we'll be able to capture more pictures and videos to show you how cute he is.

Also, Joel had his 2 month check up a couple days ago... He weighs 13 POUNDS!!! and he is 24.5 INCHES long!!! One month ago he was only 9 pounds. It's unbelievable how fast he's grown.
