Thursday, January 22, 2009

Argentina Trip Update

Hello to All!

Josh got online last night and researched ticket prices. He actually found some that were surprisingly cheap, at less than $700 each. There were taxes and fees that made the total a little over $2,000 for our two tickets, but that's still less than we anticipated. Unfortunately, we've not saved up quite that much yet, and they were sold out within half an hour of finding them. :(
We're hoping our W-2's have a rush on them so we'll get them soon. With the Child Tax credit we are eligible for this year, we believe our tax return will be enough to cover our tickets.
Also, I'm currently researching airline restrictions. Joel may be able to be a Lap-Child, but there is a fee that is 10% of our ticket price, and that does not guarantee him a seat. One praise report is that there is no charge for checked bags on international flights to anywhere but Brazil, Asia, and Europe! (With American Airlines anyway, they seem to have the least expensive tickets to Argentina.) The bad news is they only allow two checked bags! ;) I'll have to pack multi-task items... and I'm sure Josh won't use all his space in his two bags! I wonder if Joel is allowed two checked bags.... ;)
There are still financial needs that we need prayer for, concerning the trip. One big one is we need luggage sets. (If you know of any for sale, let me know! I already have a carry-on bag. I'll need two suitcases, and Josh needs two suit cases. Each will need to be under 50lbs when packed. I'm checking craigslist often.) We know that God will provide! I'm looking for a part-time job right now. I've already applied to every day care center, veternarian office, and kennel that's hiring, as well as a dry-cleaners, a hospital, Waffle House, Crown Publications, and filled out an application for a grocery store, but realized that I would have to sell cigarettes and alcoholic beverages, so I didn't turn in the application there. I had a regular babysitting job confirmed, but then I got sick (for three weeks), and she found someone else that had a child closer to her child's age.
Anyway, pray for us! I'll update again when I can.

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