Friday, March 28, 2008

March 28, 2008

Hello to all! I hope this is an easier way to update everybody than calling them individually every time something new happens. I failed to even mass-email after my last appointment. I'm not really good at this kind of thing.
Well, at my last appointment, I was given a prescription for my back problems. Don't worry, it's not pain meds or anything! It's a prenatal cradle; a harness-like contraption that supports my back and belly, and it is a gift from God. My back pain has lessened so much, I can barely believe it. It still feels tired after a long day, but if someone has a cure for that, let me know! :) It does look somewhat like a white elastic version of something that Xena the Warrior Princess would wear, but thankfully, it goes on under my shirt, and no one's the wiser. ;)
My April appointment is on the 18th, I believe, and I'll be having my glucose test, as well as some other blood work. I really hope the glucose test comes back normal, because I would NOT do well on a sugar-restricted diet. In all honesty, I'd probably die. :( I kind of need sugar to live. Oh well, I'll just starve myself of that particular food group for 24 hours before the test, and hope for the best. I really don't understand how it all works anyway. :)
Baby Joel is getting bigger and stronger, it seems like every day! A couple of nights ago, when I couldn't lay down, but it hurt to sit up too (all mothers will remember those nights), I was kind of propped up against the wall, half-laying on my side about to pass out from exhaustion, when Joel decided to take up break-dancing. It was pretty cool, considering he's not strong enough yet for most of his kicks to hurt (except for the well aimed ones). Josh got to feel some of his stronger kicks for the first time. I actually thought there might be outside bruising after some of them too! He seems to pick a spot and kick it several times before he moves on to the hitting-three-places-at-once, "Guess Which One Was My Foot" kicks. (I don't care what Josh says, Joel IS already a punk, even while still in the womb.)
I'll post again after my next Dr. appointment, if not sooner! Keep the prayers coming!

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