Saturday, June 21, 2008

Not Much Longer!

Just dropping a quick note to update the situation: I saw the Dr. on Friday, she said I was now 3 cm dialated, but still just 50% effaced. If Baby Joel doesn't come on his own by Monday the 30th, she plans on inducing that day! (Just a couple of days before the due date, but at least I won't have to go over.) And now that I'm on maternity leave from work, the discomfort of Joel's size isn't bothering me as much. (And no, the Dr. still hasn't guessed Joel's size, so I don't know anything other than he has long bones, he can shove/hit/kick all major nerve points around my abdominal cavity at once, and his favorite pastime is trying to shove a hole through the right side of my belly!) :) The joys of pre-motherhood! ;)

1 comment:

Ski's Lady said...

Not much longer for sure! It is nice having the date can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel! We will be on vacation, but looking forward to seeing lots of pictures when we get back!!!